In 2011, following the earthquake in Japan, Hiro, Miku and Sashiyu, three Japanese friends, created activities to help the Japanese. This experience gave them the desire to revive activities "like before", like making miso. The preparation of miso is done between friends and family and allows for the creation of links. It is an opportunity to discover new flavours around a convivial activity.Five years ago, they launched the project and since the summer of 2021, Nuu Miso is officially a miso maker, an unpasteurised and untreated organic miso. Once a year they offer a miso making class as well as a Japanese cooking class with miso and koji. What Hiro loves about Nuu Miso is that while everyone knows miso by name, few people have tasted quality miso and few people have learned how to make it. So Nuu Miso also has an educational mission.